So I have officially received my first Blog Awards & I'm very thankful & excited! Well two blog awards to be exact. I still feel like a "baby" blog, so to get them was completely wonderful. Hopefully I do this right.
My first award is from the adorably & fun Madi Rose over at Short Shorts & Sunshine.

My second award was given to me by the beautiful Lindsay at Bella Cene. She's from Texas too! Represent.

This is amazing & I really want to say thank you loves!
So here are seven things about myself.
1. I have been called an old soul many times.
2. I did classic ballet for 12 years of my life, but I love to do more rhythm type dancing.
3. My sister Shea & I quote the whole beginning part of Toy Story in sync.
4. All of my closest friends live out of state & that's why I go on so many road trips.
5. I was riding horses before I even learned how to walk.
6. Driving in my car is my happy place.
7. I'm really mischievous & like doing little things that annoy people sometimes. Like pants them.
And the Beautiful Blogger awards go to...
Some Girl's Website
Coffee and Stilettos
Sounds Of Laughter, Shades Of Life
Memory Bean Designs
Ada & Darcy
From The Board Of Lucys
Title: I Am A Temple by John Mark Mcmillan
Really looking forward to hearing more about your and Shea's "detox" month! Enjoyed reading the tid bits on you! :)
you are incredibly sweet for the blog award! how fabulous that we are able to find inspiration and happiness within each others thoughts and loves!
thank you!
ongrads :)
Hey, congrats on your awards! Nice blog!
Thank you! Thank you! You are so sweet to give 'The Board' an award. And you are so deserving of the two you've received congrats.
Awwwww thanks dear!!! I have to say you totally deserve the awards:-)
I'm an old soul's the best kind of soul to be :)
i love driving too, thats why living in nyc was hard! haha
Aw thanks, Cali Bird! You're too sweet! And I agree with the others that your blog definitely deserved the praise it has received! Love ya!
very cool blog. great to learn more about you and congrats on your blog awards. glad i stopped by.
haha i love your list! :)
i love the last one.
your blog is adorable.
Aww girl! Thanks so much! I appreciate it :)
Congrats on your award!
You already know this, but I really do love your blog :)
I can't wait to read the other ones!
fantastic facts :)
wow. you really are too sweet. i can not believe you awarded me this! really. how wonderful of you! i totally agree that you deserve the award and others that you presented it to, but not me! im very flattered and touched. seriously, made my week! thanks so much!
many many loves to you my dear.
Thank you thank you thank you!! xx
Congratulations on your awards!! ... I've been called an old soul too ;)
i think being called an old soul is definitely a good thing.
Hi lady! I'm sorry it's been awhile since visiting, but congrats on your awards! It was great learning more about you. Your blog is truly inspirational and I love your writing. Keep it up!
xo, becs
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