1. This cup that Shea got yesterday from Starbucks. On the back of the cup it tells all about the Starbuck's LOVE project. I thought it was pretty nifty & you can submit your own artwork on the site! White chocolate/raspberry mocha + fun creative love cup = pretty wonderful Valentines day.
2. I am determined to knit a hat with ears for myself! photo from here
3. Driving to Dallas to spend time with my brother Cale, sis-in-law Ky & baby niece Sophia. I love driving down Greenville avenue through all the houses & little shops.
4. Looking for "fruffle" dresses on Etsy. This on is from Econica
5. The Olympics are here! It doesn't matter how many Olympics I watch, I always get so pumped up. Shea & I pretty much don't change the channel or move from the tv til the whole thing is over. Speed skating is my favorite event to watch. And the theme music that comes on every time they come back from commercial gets me every time. The last couple of days have already been amazing so far! So this month, if I happen to stop posting as much, you will know why. I'm actually watching it as I post this.
Title: Tree Tops by Eisley

Ruffle dresses are gorgeous! I've been wanting to look for one for ages. And I also love those hats. There are tons from River Island that are like pandas that everyone seems to have!
Those dresses are gorgeous!!! great pics!
That hat is so cute.
what a cute little hat with ears! and wishing i had a tv to watch the olympics...you'll just have to fill me in, please!
I'll take one of those hats you knit, Eli size! :)
I am loving Econica's long ruffled skirt...so pretty! Thanks for the intro!
Oooh I so want to learn how to maka a hat too! And I want lots of flowers on them too
Hope you had a great weekend, and yes cooking breakfast counts ;-)
oh i love the olympics too!! that hat is too cute! xx
Fun idea about the cup - go Starbucks! Oh, I love the Olympics too. It's been on at my home all weekend :) I heart Apollo Ohno in a big way! xo
That is a pretty cute hat good luck.
I've been glued to the Olympics as well, especially the figure skating!
How cute is he? i want the hat for me too...
Have a great weekend!
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